Matcha, Green powder tea in New Zealand / Japanese tea ceremony lesson in New Zealand / Omotesenke school of
(表千家不審庵HP 茶の湯・こころと美 「はじめに」 より抜粋)
Chanoyu is ' A communication of the minds of host and guests through the enjoyment of delicious tea together '.
(from OMOTESENKE Fushin'an
website, introduction)
滴潤会(てきじゅんかい)の名前は、禅語の「一滴潤乾坤」(いってき けんこんを
また、別の解釈では、「一滴」を「曹源の一滴水」と解釈し、(曹源とは中国にて禅宗の土台を確立した大鑑慧能(たいかん えのう)のこと)「曹源の一滴水、よく天下の禅界を潤し、児孫を長養し、迷える衆生を救う」と言われることから、大鑑慧能に対する感謝の意を込めた一句とも言われています。
写真 平野和司 / 久米能子
The name of Tekijun-kai comes from a Zen term, "一滴潤乾坤 (Itteki Kenkon Wo Uruosu)" literally meaning that a drop of water can moisten the universe. This teaching indicates that in the Zen world, there is no difference between large and small or long and short, and a bowl of green tea can be equivalent to the sea.
According to another interpretation, “a drop” represents “a drop coming from Huineng (大鑑慧能)”, who established the foundation of Zen in China. It is said that the gratitude to Huineng is expressed in this term, implicating that Huineng’s teaching has spread all over the world to save lost people.
Our group applies two characters (滴 and 潤) from this term to our name in order to express our appreciation for the long history of Omotesenke‘s tea gatherings developed by Sen no Rikyu over 400 hundred years ago while we remember the heart of Chanoyu and pursue to expand it.
Photo Kazushi HIRANO / Yoshiko KUME